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Main » 2013 » March » 24 » Indonesia Tak Peduli Dengan Diplomasi Malanesia
5:09 PM
Indonesia Tak Peduli Dengan Diplomasi Malanesia

Jayapura, 20/03 (Jubi) – Indonesia dinilai lebih peduli dengan masalah internalnya serta posisinya di Asia Tenggara daripada berdiplomasi dengan negara-negara Melanesia.

Jon Fraenkel, Profesor politik Kepulauan Pasifik dari Universitas Victoria, Wellington, Selandia Baru dalam wawancaranya dengan Radio Australia (20/03) mengatakan sudah lazim terjadi dimana isu-isu kebijakan internasional atau regional diperjuangkan dalam politik domestik di negara-negara Melanesia.
"Itu juga terjadi di Vanuatu dimana perbedaan antara dukungan dan oposisi kepada pemerintah Frank Bainimarama di Fiji telah menjadi masalah antara pemerintah dan oposisi di Vanuatu dan sekarang terjadi pada Papua Barat.” kata Fraenkel.

Namun Fraenkel berpendapat, Pemerintah Vanuatu yang belakangan ini berubah sikap terhadap gerakan Papua Merdeka dikarenakan meningkatnya diplomasi Indonesia di kawasan pasifik. Kemudian Indonesia sendiri telah berubah selama dekade terakhir dengan pergeseran ke arah demokrasi serta pengakuan adanya situasi yang rumit dalam sikap kebijakan terhadap posisi Papua Barat dan Papua di Indonesia.

Mengenai simpati besar yang ditunjukkan oleh publik (masyarakat) Melanesia belakangan ini terhadap apa yang terjadi di Papua Barat, Fraenkel mengatakan diantara solidaritas negara-negara Melanesia, apa yang terjadi di Indonesia atau di Papua Barat, masyarakat Melanesia akan melakukan kontak dengan perwakilan gerakan Kemerdekaan Papua Barat. Hal ini berjalan dengan sangat baik, menurut Fraenkel.

Meski demikian, Fraenkel mengakui adanya perbedaan pendapat di Papua Barat. Dalam gerakan di Papua ada yang menginginkan otonomi yang lebih luas, yang lebih besar dari sebuah pemerintahan sendiri. Menurutnya, meskipun ada gerakan kemerdekaan yang menguat dan trend Pemilu yang cenderung menunjukan dukungan untuk pembebasan Papua Barat, tetap saja ada pandangan yang berbeda juga tentang bagaimana menyesuaikan diri dan bernegosiasi dengan Jakarta. Namun situasi ini bisa berubah.
"Tentu saja, itu mungkin berubah jika ada penguatan gerakan kemerdekaan atau kesulitan lebih lanjut di Indonesia. Tapi saya pikir itu pasti sangat penting dalam militer, misalnya, dan elit politik untuk menjaga Papua Barat.” jelas Fraenkel.

Tentang sikap politik Indonesia terhadap Pasifik saat ini, menurut Fraenkel Indonesia tak memandang negara-negara Melanesia untuk dijadikan sekutu. Indonesia lebih peduli pada masalah internalnya dan posisinya di Asia Tenggara.
"Indonesia jauh lebih peduli tentang masalah internalnya sendiri dan posisinya di Asia Tenggara dan tidak begitu peduli dengan diplomasi Melanesia, meskipun telah ada beberapa peningkatan selama beberapa bulan terakhir.” kata Fraenkel. (Jubi/Victor Mambor)

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1 Albertzom  
The men's prostate is a vital portion of a male's reproductive :. It secretes fluids that assist the transportation and activation of sperm. The prostate can be found just in front of the rectum, below the bladder and around the urethra. When there is prostate problem, it is almost always very uncomfortable and inconvenient for that patient as his urinary system is directly affected.

The common prostate health conditions are prostate infection, enlarged prostate and prostate type of cancer.

Prostate infection, also referred to as prostatitis, is among the most common prostate-related symptom in men younger than 55 years old. Infections with the prostate gland are classified into four types - acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic abacterial prostatitis and prosttodynia.

Acute bacterial prostatitis will be the least common of forms of prostate infection. It is a result of bacteria found in the large intestines or urinary tract. Patients may experience fever, chills, body aches, back pains and urination problems. This condition is treated through the use of antibiotics or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to ease the swelling.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is really a condition connected with a particular defect inside gland and the persistence presence of bacteria within the urinary tract. It can be due to trauma for the urinary tract or by infections originating from other areas in the body. A patient may go through testicular pain, small of the back pains and urination problems. Although it is uncommon, it could be treated by removal from the prostate defect followed by the employment antibiotics and NSAIDs to help remedy the inflammation.

Non-bacterial prostatitis accounts for approximately 90% of all prostatitis cases; however, researchers have not even to ascertain what causes these conditions. Some researchers feel that chronic non-bacterial prostatitis occur because of unknown infectious agents while other believe intensive exercise and heavy lifting might cause these infections.

Maintaining a Healthy Prostate

To prevent prostate diseases, a suitable meals are important. These are some from the things you can do and also hardwearing . prostate healthy.

1. Drink sufficient water. Proper hydration is essential for overall health and this will also keep the urinary track clean.

2. Some studies claim that a couple of ejaculations per week will help to prevent prostate cancer.

3. Eat red meat without excess. It has been shown that consuming greater than four meals of beef per week will increase the risk of prostate diseases and cancer.

4. Maintain an effective diet with cereals, vegetable and fruits to be sure sufficient intake of nutrients needed for prostate health.

The most significant measure to consider to be sure a proper prostate is always to choose regular prostate health screening. If you are forty years and above, you must opt for prostate examination one or more times a year.

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